
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just some quick news


I start this post asking for prayer for us. Nothing is wrong, we just have some decisions that we are trying to figure out and having extra prayer will always help.

With that said, this post will be short and sweet...just a quick update. Things are super busy for us, but the end is in sight! I am finished work for the summer starting June 15th and I am so so looking forward to it. I am exhausted. Both of us are exhausted actually. S is working normal hours Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and 1 pm to 10 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Z is his usual happy self...nothing seems to phase him too much, but we are still tired. It feels like family days come so few and far between! I look forward to every weekend so I can see my babies.

Z is cutting teeth. His molars are almost in, but the canines haven't really started. He is so good about it, but I can tell he is in pain. Sometimes he complains, but not often. He loves to bite everything though! He is talking a little more. His words are definitely becoming more distinguishable. He says mama and dada or dad. He also says "some" when he wants some, "uh-oh" when he drops things (or throws them), and "yum" when he eats. He also makes noises that sound like "there you go" which S and I say to him often. You can tell that is what he is saying, even if he can't enunciate that yet. What else? Umm...he puts his hands up when he wants up now, and points at things or places he wants to go or see. He likes to turn off light switches and lock the front door so we can't get back in. And he loves to climb up and down on anything and everything. He is up to 24 month clothes, although we have to hem his pants because his legs aren't long enough. I'm glad summer season is here.

S is working hard as always. He recently finished cutting my vegetable garden out of the sod in the backyard. We planted our peas, pumpkins, and beans last night. We had frost last week so we have had a late start. But the plants have been growing on our window sill for a month at least. I will be planting the rest tonight: carrots, corn, celery, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and potatoes. I am excited. I really hope we get a great crop! I am truly blessed by him and all his hard work for us. Love that man :)
We finally picked out frames for his new glasses, so we need to order those. He looks really good! I'll post a picture when that is done.

As for me, nothing new to report. I picked my new frames. Wasn't too fond of contacts. I'm thinking I will try again not during allergy season when my eyes get irritated anyways. We have been trying new recipes, which I will add one day. I'm hoping with the summer off I will be able to reformat the blog so the recipes will be indexed on the side. This is the goal anyways. And hopefully I will write more in the summer as well. You can only clean 1000 sq ft so many times before you run out of things to do right?

Anyways, love you all and talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Keeping you in prayers daily.

    I had to give up on contacts because of stigmatism and dry eyes in my 30s.

    Grandma Claudia
