
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It's a Great Day to Be Alive :)

Hi :)

I am done apologizing for not keeping current because I think I will forever be apologizing if that is the case. It's been too long since the last post. Life is just super super busy for us. I guess I will start by doing a quick recap of our last couple weeks. Here are the major high points/low points:
  • S and I had eye doctor appointments. S needs glasses. I need stronger glasses. I am trying contacts. Got trial pairs for two weeks, then going back.
  • Z started saying "nuh" and shaking his head no on a regular in he finally understands what that means. Also signing is going pretty well. He tells us he is hungry, wants up, wants down, and when is all done. Thanks to Samantha for doing this with him as well.
  • Hurray! Reached the 6 month point of my new (now not so new) job and have vacation time and personal days.
  • Z had a virus that lasted 6 days. Fever of around 103.5 for 4 days before breaking. He was a trooper.
  • S and I went to Eugene to have Easter with family! It was a good trip :) Got to see some friends who we miss like crazy. Left our fluffy feather pillow at the hotel :( Sad day-more like sad night. When we realized it was missing that night crawling into our own beds, it was a sad moment. On this topic...S was the one who really wanted to take that pillow and I didn't. So he took his. Now somehow, he is using mine. Every night he has claimed it as his own and I am amused.
  • Went back to eye doctor for follow-up. Contacts were not working out for me, they were making things harder to see. Different doctor this time, and he found an astigmatism in my right eye. He upped my prescription, and gave me new lenses that are bigger and a little thicker and they make a HUGE difference. They are super comfortable and I can see fantastic. I am very happy with them.
  • Finally got to work in the garden a little bit on the 2 sunny days we have had all spring. Also got all of our seedlings started for the vegetable garden S is making me :) They are growing on the windowsill and I am so excited. Like a kid on Christmas. I want to keep peeking under the greenhouse lid.
  • Have found a couple new recipes that we are adding to our staples list. Will be sharing a super delicious easy one later on in the post.
  • Most recently and happiest moment for me..a dear friend whom I love has given me a sewing machine. An answer to prayer :) SO SO HAPPY! I have a couple projects that I really really want to make but can't sew it all by hand because it would take forever and the material is too strong. This is such a huge blessing on us all (Because S and Z will benefit from this too!). If you are ready this C I thank you with all my heart. We love you.
I think that is pretty much the quick rundown of the last couple weeks. We are planning on going to Eugene again this weekend to have some fun. We are going to have a blast. Seriously. I have some awesome things to do with the kids there and I am really looking forward to this :)

On Monday we had gorgeous sunshine and Z and I went to the park while S fixed something on our car. Some cover to something. I don't know these things. They just don't stick in my head. What I do know? Our car has lasted us a lot longer than we ever hoped our imagined so I am very thankful for the little deathtrap. That is affection. We lovingly call it deathtrap and tin can. Pretty sure a tuna can is made stronger. One day we will be able to afford something a little bigger and more sturdy. When we have another kid we will need a bigger car because we can't fit more than one car seat in our car now! Z and I went to the park. There were 2 other babies there and he was much more interested in watching them than looking at the camera. I was taking a million pictures I know, but I wanted him to look at me. Didn't really happen as you can see...everything else was much more interesting. Grass, dogs barking, even his shadow!

Weird angle=fat cheeks hahaha

Mama and baby love <3

And here is our walk home: (the park is only 2 blocks down the street-we could see S fixing the car from the park!)

Fascinated by his shadow

Trying to pick up his shadow!

Happy Boy
S cutting out a vegetable garden for us :)
Chasing after the ball like a puppy
Showing momma the ball
Watching Daddy cut out the garden.

I'm not sure why he was so disgusted..maybe the wet grass?

The many faces of our silly boy

I think I might have to load the rest of the pictures in a different post because I'm having issues with this...Actually will just load them all to facebook so if you want to see them you can look there :)
But I do want to share that recipe with you before I end the post!

Chicken Pot Pie Cupcakes
·         1 chicken breast, poached and diced
·         1 (14.5 oz) can cream of chicken soup
·         1 cup frozen mixed veggies
·         1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
·         1 Tbs Herbs De Provence
·         1 tsp onion powder
·         1 tsp garlic salt
·         2 (10 oz) cans Pillsbury biscuits

1.       1Preheat your oven to 400.
2.       2In a large bowl, combine the cooked chicken, cream of chicken soup, frozen veggies, cheese, herbs and spices.
3.       3Lightly grease a 12-cup muffin tin and place the Pillsbury biscuits into each cup, pressing into the bottom and up the sides.
4.       4Evenly spoon the pot pie mixture into each biscuit cup. Slide into the oven and bake for about 15 minutes. Check at the 12 minute mark.
5.       5Let rest for about 3 minutes and dig in!

Sorry about the weird format. That is how all my recipes are stored on my computer so that I can print them on cards and easily see what groceries I need. It was easier to copy and paste than retype the whole thing. These were super easy and delicious. I made them in about 5 minutes with chicken I had already cooked and stored in the freezer. You could also use a rotisserie chicken if you don't have pre-cooked meat. S and Z both loved these...Z even ate the broccoli in them. And they were a great size for leftover lunches to take to work/day care. you all and  hope things are going well with you all. I leave you with this adorable picture of my boys!

PS: Comments are great but don't tell me I need to cut my grass ;) I know it is ridiculously long but S just cut it last week.

Friday, April 6, 2012

A little late I know...

Disclaimer: This is a post that I started about a week and a half ago but never published...time flies. I felt the need to publish it before I move on to a newer post which should happen tonight. Our dental clinic just opened this week and life has been work, work, work, busy, busy, busy, busy. I feel the need to relax. Too bad there is no long weekend for Easter in the big US of A. I will definitely be writing a bigger post you all

Hi all,
It's a cloudy, stormy day here. And way too cold to be the end of March. I want to start my seedlings so bad but I just don't want them to freeze in my window sill. S and I are going to the eye doctor today for a check-up. S has never been to the eye doctor...crazy right? We think he might need glasses and I am pretty sure that I need a stronger prescription! I am so excited to go as weird as that sounds. I am definietly going to look at getting contacts. I would love to be able to just put my sunglasses on this summer and not have to take my glasses off to do it...among many other things!
What else is new...oh yeah...we joined the gym! Hurray :) We really want to work out together, and since S doesn't really work much manual labor anymore, he is really feeling it. I am definietly feeling it. I haven't really worked out since before Zeke was born!!!! Ouch. It hurts to admit. I have been recently, but I need to go out of my house and work somewhere where I can't be so lazy. Also, Zeke can go play in the childcare center so S and I can be together. We are starting with 3 days a week so wish us luck! We want to look good this summer in our bathing suits!
Speaking of summer....oh how I long for the warm summer days. I am off work June 15th through September 16th and I am super super super excited :) :) I can't wait to spend the summer chasing after Zeke! Taking him to the park, and playing in the water. It will be a blast...and I'm imagining that he will start talking a little bit by then too...any day now really. He gets so close with all his little noises :)

I want to share some pictures with y'all from a little day trip we took up to Valsetz. We weren't aware that the old town had been burned down (I guess many years ago...oops!) But it was just so gash darn pretty it was worth the drive anyways :)