
Thursday, September 20, 2012


***I apologize for the weird text background...not sure why it is doing this. I have nothing highlighted***
Hello world!

I must say it is good to be back on the computer. I have spent almost my entire summer getting nauseous every time I look at a computer screen. 5 minutes was my cap, but things are progressing well. So...we have a lot of catching up to do! Since you all know anyways, I will start by saying we are pregnant :) Here is our "announcement" photo that S took:

We really wanted a fun way of telling all you guys-TWINS! How crazy is that?

Now we are just about to end week 21. I saw a blogger that did a little weekly update on her twin pregnancy and I loved it so much I decided to do something like it. So here we are...

How far along? 22 weeks tomorrow

Weight gain/loss: Loss of another 4 lbs at my last appointment...making that 9 lbs total (I think!). Definitely not as much as with Z but still substantial. Not that you can tell from looking at me cause I am growing at an alarmingly fast rate.
Sleep: Doing ok now that I got a pregnancy pillow! I borrowed one from an awesome friend but it was just too big. It is the leachco total body one, and S didn't like sharing the bed with it. Because he quite literally had to share with it. It took up more room than the both of us. But I decided on 2 that I would be willing to try and I advertised on an awesome facebook page of things for sale in our area and I got one! $20 instead of $50-$60 for a new one. Plus I know the lady it came from so I am sure it came clean :) It is a boppy pillow...still a little bigger than I had planned but so comfortable! And a different shape so it isn't really awkward in the bed. S said he doesn't mind/notice so it is all good.
Maternity clothes? Yes-for a couple months now. But seriously. My belly is 41 inches in diameter at its thickest! I feel like nothing fits. I attempt to slip into something I wore before and its a joke. We have the same old routine at our house.

Me: Taking off yet another article of clothing and throwing it on the bed/floor. "It doesn't fit."
S: "It doesn't fit" (in a whiny voice). He then proceeds to tell me that I had better suck it up and deal with it cause he wasn't listening to me complain about my clothes not fitting for another 4 months.
Stretch marks? Yes unfortunately. I don't think it is avoidable with twins anyways. All the old ones from Z plus new ones forming on the top of my belly. For all ladies out there who find themselves pregnant with twins in the future...Palmer's Cocoa Butter/Stretch mark cream is useless! I did a little googling and found the suggestion to try Jergen's soothing aloe cream and it seems to work. The skin ripping feeling is sooooo terrible...especially around my belly button. I had emergency gall bladder surgery in July 2011 and I have a tiny incision scar right above my belly button. Well it was tiny. Now it is itchy and about an inch long-and growing daily! The cocoa butter worked for 2 minutes to relieve the pain. Literally. It was two minutes before I needed to reapply. The Jergen's lasted for 2 hours. 5:05 to 7:07 no joke. A definite improvement.

Miss Anything? Running. Not that I was a hardcore marathon athlete or anything. I just really miss being able to go out and clear my head.

Movement: Yes. So much! It is awesome. Squirmy, wriggly little things! Even got to experience what it feels like to get kicked in the ribs. Z never really kicked me. He often wedged his little feet and pushed on my ribs, but oh my! Being kicked takes my breath away! Baby B (our sweet little boy twin) is crazy active and likes to kick hard already. Baby A (our sweet little girl) is way more passive, although I think she likes to roll more. And she must suck her thumb or something because there are lots of flutters up around her head-often. They move the most 9pm-12am. I usually fall asleep around 11, but when I am up later they are still going strong!

Food cravings: Not anything regularly. Sometimes I want something sweet, but nothing in particular. Although apple cider always sounds delicious. And mini fair donuts. Not a craving but I find greek yogurt incredibly helpful in keeping me going. It helps me get through the nausea in the mornings cause it is packed with almost 30% of my daily protein. Great suggestion for sick mommas out there.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just in the mornings when I haven't eaten anything. Also the smell in our kitchen if something in the garbage needs to go out. Like this morning with the leftover chicken scraps. But seriously, who likes that smell and finds it tolerable anyways? Pregnant or not.

Gender: Boy and Girl!

Belly Button in or out? It is slowly unfolding. I don't know how else to describe it really. It kind of pokes out a little more each day as my stomach stretches out.

Wedding rings on or off? My wedding ring has been off for over a month! S bought me a large fake one I can wear in the meantime. Like we could ever afford that rock on my hand now!

Looking forward to: Our 3D/4D ultrasound in 4 more weeks :)

Symptoms: So hard to breathe. Like all the time hard to breathe. I don't know what they are doing in there but I wonder if I get enough oxygen half the time. It's like I just climbed 5 flights of stairs-but I'm sitting down! Heartburn. Oh. My. Goodness. It burns!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I eat or drink anything I get heartburn. So at first I stopped eating spicy or acidic foods to try and help the situation. After I realized that I was getting heartburn after drinking water I decided to put those foods back in my diet. Why not eat what I enjoy right? A Costco bottle of Tums now sits on my nightstand. It's really huge. I also started back to work this week and I have noticed that I am super tired. If I was tired before that was an understatement. Now I am fatigued. I don't want to do anything when I come home except sit there and play with Z. But my floors need vacuuming, and my apples need drying, and my clothes need washing..because like it or not, I still live with a toddler. And he likes to be messy.

"Other" Section: This will be where I vent. Where to begin on the good...I am so blessed with my little family. I love when Z slaps my belly and says "Baby". I love that S is so supportive and sweet telling me I look beautiful even though I feel like Shamu the whale. I don't like how my counter tops are so high and I can't reach the sink faucets very well, or stand to do dishes. I don't like how I have to get my 21 month old child to pull the laundry out of the dryer for me cause I can't reach in the well. I don't like having to pee; going pee; then having to pee again as soon as I am 5 steps out of the bathroom. And that is enough venting for now. Not because I ran out of things to say, but because I am being kicked in the bladder and I need a potty break.

Now for an update on Z. He is doing well. He is 33-35 lbs depending on the scale! He loves to talk and walk and run everywhere! Here are the words/phrases he is saying now quite regularly at 20 months:

  • Ball

  • Mine

  • Car

  • Vroom Vroom

  • Kitty

  • Where'd it go?

  • All gone

  • All done

  • Potty

  • Banana

  • Hi

  • Bye

  • Momma

  • Daddy

  • Milk

And I am sure there are more things but that is all I can think of off the top of my head right now. He also understands a lot. I am constantly surprised at how much he knows/understands. Just for fun S and I decided to ask him to point out some body parts. We thought he only knew eyes, mouth, nose, hair, belly button, but he can show you ears, teeth, legs, feet, hands, head...he obviously learns as we talk. Also, although he can't say all the animals names yet, if you ask him what sounds they make, he knows those as well. Horse, duck, chicken, cow, dog, cat, and his favourite...monkey! He loves Curious George and sometimes we have some mommy/Z time and watch an episode on netflix.

I started back to work this week after having the summer off with my baby :( It was a bittersweet day for me. It's nice to feel productive again, but I hate hate hate leaving him everyday. It breaks my heart to see his little teary eyes.

I have also started baby gear hunting. So far with great success! We technically have enough car seats, but I wanted 2 new infant carriers. When I say new, I just mean new to me. We have one from Z but it is 1 year expired-not recalled...just technically the plastic is old. So there isn't anything necessarily wrong with it, but I decided to keep my eyes open. Also, we wanted a second infant carrier so it would make our lives easier. Because having to buckle newborns in every time you get out of the car is kind of a hassle. So as of today I have found 2 new car seats! Hurray! For only $30 I got 2 graco snugrides :) I'm pleased. And they are even gendered! A pink and tan floral and a blue and brown polka dot. Also finally decided on the stroller I want. Then I found it on Craigslist for $100. Pray for that cause I really want it! It is $300 new! I will keep you posted. Now we just need girl clothes, and cloth diapers, and bottles, and a million and a half other things. But the car seats were my biggest concern. Actually a car is my biggest concern. We definitely need a bigger vehicle, and I am not sure what God has in store for us with this. Our car will NOT fit 3 car seats. It can barely fit one car seat. It has served us well, but it is time to move on to bigger and better things. We need something with three rows of seats and we are very certain we do not want a minivan. Unless the Lord throws one in our laps for free. I would take it then. But we just aren't minivan kinda people.

So, to wrap this up...I will add gender reveal pics on here later. I realize most of you readers are my facebook friends so you have already seen them, but I like to have them in more than one place anyway! Love you all and I will definitely be more regular now that I am over my morning sickness awfulness!

Loves and Hugs